Enneagram Coaching
CONTACT USWhat is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is an archetypal model of 9 different types, which can help us to understand human personality and consciousness. Simply put, it is a powerful and insightful tool to help us to understand our core motivations, desires and fears – really, the lens through which we see and experience the world.
By understanding ourselves on a deeper level, we gain greater awareness to inform the choices we make in the direction we want our life to go in and in the day-to-day experiences of ourselves and others.

How it works?
If you would like to know more about the Enneagram, please do get in touch. I offer a complimentary 30 minute chat online with all of the coaching I do to explore your needs and the right approach for you.
If the Enneagram is something you would like to do as part of your own development, I will send you a link to the Enneagram questionnaire (as provided by Integrative Enneagram Solutions), which you complete online. From there you will receive a detailed personal Enneagram profile report electronically, which I will give you time to read and digest before we do a 1-1 coaching session.
This is designed to help you to get the most value from the report and to apply the insights to your own personal development and growth.
The coaching session is normally online via zoom/Teams but can also be in person depending on location.

If you're looking for Enneagram Coaching, call Life Unlymmited Ltd on